Imagine a world, where we TAKE A LEAP….

Teacher Training
We recognize the important role that teachers play in preparing students to become critical thinkers and responsible citizens.

Become a Volunteer
As we continue to improve access to educational opportunities for the communities we serve, we also focus on honing the leadership skills of our students.

Girls Empowerment Initiative
Seventy percent of the world’s 263 million out of school children and youth are girls, and nearly two-thirds of the world’s 758 million illiterate adults are women.

Nikki Giovanni Leap Scholarship Program
According to UNICEF, more than 63 million secondary school-aged children are not enrolled in school.

Community Engagement
We firmly believe that solutions to community issues have to be locally generated.

We began working in Konko in 2012. In addition to our literacy and girls empowerment work, we have been building a library and health clinic.
We believe in supporting communities through literacy education, youth development and community engagement.